Friday, October 16, 2009

What is WRONG With People?

OK, the hub-unit and I just got back from Costco where we bought our Halloween candy. I don't like to leave important tasks to the last minute. Plus there was a coupon. Now, for the last few years, we have been giving out full sized candy bars which has resulted in squadrons of children making sure to stop at our house. I think this is a good thing because Halloween has gotten altogether too chintzy.

It was bad enough when they started making half-sized candy bars and calling them "snack-size". I don't know about you, but when I was a kid - I could honk down a whole candy bar, no problem. I didn't get the opportunity very often, but when I did, like Halloween, I had no problem snacking on regular-sized candy.

Nowadays, there are tiny, little midget sized candy bars that people put in treat bags, What's next - crumbs? And kids are supposed to say "thank you" for that teeny-ass morsel. How cheap is that? Now, I realize that kids get altogether too many sweets in their lives, causing obesity, cavities, and really rotten behavior. But come on.

Cheaping out on Halloween isn't going to solve anything. Cutting sweets out of children's' daily life will solve lots of problems, though. It will save their teeth, their health, and eventually, possibly, their lives. Being a weenie at Halloween will not change anything. Its called Trick or Treat, not Trick or More of What You Get Every Day. Treats are something extra special, that you only get now and again. Like annually, at Halloween.

I like bucking the trends, though, so I dress like a witch, hook up my smoke machine, and hand out whole candy bars. Some of our little hooligans hold their candy bars like they're gold, like they've never seen a whole candy bar before. Its fun and the kids love it. Their parents think I'm a weenie but they're wrong. I know what Halloween's about. Plus nobody ever smashes our pumpkins and all the neighborhood and surrounding area kids are very respectful the rest of the year. Its Karma. And candy.

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