Friday, October 23, 2009


I went to the gym today and communed with my fellow gymasauruses. I'd call us gym rats, but most of us are too large and waaaay too stiff in the joints to be compared to anything as nimble as a rodent. I didn't have to chase any oldsters off any machines this time but, I gotta say, some of these people totally bring it in the fitness department. There was a guy, covered in tattoos, who was old enough to be my...well, babysitter, and he was lifting about a million pounds with each arm.

He was also doing what every guy does on that machine, watching his arm muscles bulge in the mirror as he lifted. A little old lady, perhaps ten years older than I am...rode happily on a recumbent stationary bike the whole time I was there. I know she was happy because she smiled like Mona Lisa the whole time she was riding. Now, maybe she was happy, maybe it was a drug induced smile. Or maybe she was the model for DaVinci when he painted the Mona Lisa. In which case she's a whole lot older than I thought and I want to get to know her pharmacist...

The Mahogany God was there. I haven't seen him for several months because I forgot what day it was when I saw him before. Now I know - Friday morning. Let the stalking begin! Really, though, he was one of the few people there under 60. Plus he looks like he was carved out of... mahogany. By a great artist - like Michelangelo! This whole Renaissance artist connection to my gym is starting to get kind of interesting.

I mean, I can't prove anything, but I may have stumbled upon some kind of space-time continuum. When I got home and went to take a shower. I got undressed, squinted my eyes and looked in the mirror. I always squint first - its like putting Vaseline on a camera lens. Some long hair and a sea shell and Yes! Botticelli's Venus! OK, I was squinting so much my eyes were closed and it was all my imagination.

That said, I have to allow that looking for evidence of a hole in Time and a connection to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will make it a lot easier to get up on Monday and go to the gym.

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