Saturday, October 17, 2009

Squash and Chickens

Yesterday, the hub-unit and I got up at the beastly hour of 6:30 am. We got up, got dressed, forgot to take my pills, and headed off to meet some friends - then off to Half Moon Bay and the Pumpkin Festival. We carpooled. They drove. Very few people want us to drive when we carpool. I don't think its just that pieces of my car are falling off, I think its also because we have an inordinate number of tall friends. Honestly,we could field a basketball team...I might consider it if I didn't detest the game of basketball with a white hot passion.

Anyway, I think most of our friends just don't fit in our Corolla. You can see them look at it, evaluate the chiropractor bill and say "I'll drive!". Plus my car smells funny, but you can't tell that from the outside. The drive was nice and so roomy in their backseat! The fog was a thick blanket and the day seemed promising. Got a great reaction when we pointed out the San Andreas Fault. These people are from Baltimore and a little quake-shakey...Hee Hee Hee.

The Pumpkin Festival is basically an art fair with really big squash. OK, the art is a little higher end than a lot of the crap you find at those things, but its still a whole bunch of sun shelters, set cheek to jowl in the middle of a closed off street. There's wine, beer and all kinds of stuff to eat that you really shouldn't go near, most of it flavored with pumpkin, or pumpkin-worthy spices.

There's a thing that happens at large gatherings of people where food is involved. My hubby calls it "The Costco Effect". In which the amount charged for something is inversely proportional to the length of the line of people waiting to get some. My theory is that the people in free food lines usually tend to be a bit (or a lot) short for their weight. I'm not being judgemental (I have noticed that when people say they're not being judgemental - they're being judgemental.)Perhaps, though, fewer free food samples would mean less flabulousness.

I ended up buying a goofy-looking ceramic bird and a stalk of brussel sprouts. The hub bought four baby black austrolopes for work. An austrolope is an old variety of chicken which grows into a large black hen. Our friend was so impressed, he bought two baby arucanas which are way cuter than austrolopes and they lay green eggs. I understand they taste good with ham. His wife-unit was not very impressed and named them tetrazzini and fricassee. She did get a pumpkin, though...

Driving home was fun and roomy. And now the payoff for getting up at the crack of 6:30. We drove past the really big traffic jam of people just coming to where we had just left. It was a fun day, even though the sun came out and it got HOT. This caused me to have to peel off all my layers but the one closest to my skin. Not too terrible since that was my Halloween shirt. It just should never be hot in Half Moon Bay. Ever.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to report that the chickies are doing very well, as is the pumpkin. The Wifey is starting to come around too. We do have to work on the neighbors some though... even though they all said they'd be cool with it, they seem surprised that we're actually going through with building a coop and everything. I guess they thought we were going to keep them in our laundry room forever?

    And as for the driving, I'd be happy to take a ride in the Corolla next time! Between the two of us we've had three Geo Primzs. Lovely and inexpensive little 40 mpg burros that last forever. Although I don't know how well any car will do when trying to avoid falling into the earth as a fault suddenly opens up and swallows the Bay!

    At least we have some chickens for our post-apocalyptic homestead... I think I'll go out and buy some more bottled water now.
