Saturday, October 3, 2009

My Demographic

Now that I'm middle-aged (Actually, I think I'm old - I mean very few people live to 108...) I feel like I'm being pandered to by advertisers who do not think I'm getting any or not, you know. All those ED ads gross me out even though they're guy ads. Plus, do they think we're ridiculous or something? Who takes a "get it on" pill and then sits in a separate bathtub from his beloved? Where did those bathtubs come from? Unless they lugged them to the beach or the meadow or wherever, they must have found them there. Would you climb into a random pair of bathtubs you happened upon? Ew.

Then there are the people who are having a tense start to their vacation. You can tell they're tense - their mouths are just lines and their eyebrows are parallel to their mouths. They get to an island, pop a magic pill and take a boat to another island. Now this island is presumably deserted, but instead of just dashing behind a tree or doing it in the sand, they disappear into a convenient house and close the drapes. Who's gonna look? I mean, if a stalker went to all the trouble to swim or row out to the island with the tense, yet horny couple, heck, I figure they deserve a show...

Do NOT get me started on those idiots in the deserted bar singing classic Elvis tunes with "get it on" pill words. Why aren't they home, seducing their wives? Maybe they wouldn't NEED the pill if they spent more time at home and less with their horny toad friends. Maybe the reason they need the pill is because after a whole day of being ignored, their wives aren't in the mood when they come home. I think getting shut down enough times can confuse the plumbing and these men need to get their priorities straightened out.

If I designed these ads,they would show a couple of geezers (like me and the hub-unit) saying a teary farewell to a college bound kid. Kid drives off, parents head back to house. Front door shuts and clothes start flying. Geezers would end up in bed together, or in the shower together.
I mean, half of young Hollywood has stopped practicing safe sex and these people get on the covers of magazines. I find it unendingly silly that we're supposed to be shocked - SHOCKED! when consenting geezers like old married people or talk show hosts are discovered to have active sex lives.

Puhleeze - where do you think we got all those people who are writing the stupid ads?

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