Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ugly Bra

Just got back from Tar -jay and bought an ugly B-R-A. I got it for tomorrow when Lefty gets her lump removed. They told me to get one and plan to wear it 24/7 for two days since I can't shower for 48 hours. They never told me there was torture involved...I'm a two shower a day gal. Have been for years. My showers are short and the water takes about 15 seconds to heat up so I don't feel guilty.Really.

They told me to get a sports bra to support the gals while I heal. Now that I own one, I'll probably have to wear it more than just the two days post surgery. Darn it - its a sports bra - now I'll have to take up a sport. At least I'll have to go to the gym more. This sucks.

I hope its the right size. I hate to try on clothes, so usually I just buy stuff and try it on at home. Then I give it to Goodwill if it doesn't fit. Fortunately, I'm usually right. Since the weight loss, none of my bras fit worth a darn and usually I store spare change or a pack of gum in the extra cup space. This ugly bra will fit closer, though, so I'll have to put my gum somewhere else. Plus I don't want to hurt my boo boo...

I've been trying to avoid thinking about the surgery all day. The cool beans is that I get to have my favorite nighty-night drugs, one of which is propofol which killed Michael Jackson. Which is kind of icky but with any great good luck, my doctor will be paying attention and not leave the room. The surgery will only take 20 minutes or so then I get to put on my new ugly bra and go home. Such an adventure! I think Lefty will be fine - Righty, too. They're tough old broads. And they know that when life knocks you down, you've got to get right back up and put up your dukes or life will keep whacking at you. Life's been kicking me around a bit of late, but I'm going to jump back up as soon as Lefty feels better.

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