Friday, October 9, 2009

Karma is Sucking

OK, what did I do? I've been doing an inventory of my recent action and I just can't figure out why my life has taken a turn for the weird. Look back at the last few years...:
2006 - Daughter gets a virus which attacks her heart, her heart fails and she gets a transplant.
2007 - Mom is diagnosed with cancer, she dies exactly one week later.
2008 - Sitting at my desk at work I reach for a Kleenex and fall of my chair. I had a stroke.
2009 - I had trouble with the finance program at work. Asked for help got fired instead.

Did I run over a sacred cow or something? Now, I realize that the first two Karmic crapfests are more about my daughter and my mom, but they had an impact on everybody around them. Including me. And you can say that yes, the daughter's heart failed but she was able to get transplanted and she's doing wonderfully, now. And my mom died just a week after diagnosis but she had been a lifelong smoker and at least she didn't suffer and linger in pain. She's with my dad now and they're happy. But still.

I'm trying to figure out what I did to cause all this. I've always liked the idea of our actions sending energy out into the ether and like energy returning to you. If you are kind and you contribute positively to the lives of those around you, the same kind of energy will come back to you. Conversely, being a rat bastard will cause bad things to happen to you. I don't think you should be nice just to get stuff back, but its just a good way to be. However, I'm starting to feel like I want to be a little more rat bastardly. I just wonder who I pissed off.

I finally recieved a letter from my former place of employment. It only took them seven weeks! Golly, I hope nobody strained anything. They are now saying that they can't afford the position. So even though I was a terrific employee - fact , the embodiment of what they wanted, gosh they just couldn't keep me...Now they're lying to me. What in God's green earth did I do, world?

Take today for instance. About two weeks ago, I found a lump in my left boob. After I had a mammo and a boob ultrasound, I was pronounced "normal" and I went on my way. Well, I got a call and a surgeon wanted to see me. So I went in to meet my surgeon. Its weird to meet a man for the first time and show him your boobies. Kind of reminds me of college...Anyway the surgeon was very nice and spent a lot of time with Lefty. Turns out that he wants to take out the lump and check it out.

He really thinks its nothing, but better be on the safe side. I agree completely and with any luck, by the time they do the biopsy, this karmic high pressure system will have passed. In the meantime, I must not squish any bugs, squirrels or reptiles, and I have to stay away from sacred cows.

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