Tuesday, October 20, 2009

More Stuff I Didn't Want To Know

I've been thinking about more things I wish I could shake out of my ears. Like polyps. I've had them removed from...places and my doctor took pictures of them - in full color - and presented them to me before I left the recovery room. They're pretty but I could have lived a long time without knowing what they looked like. My hubby had some polyps removed from his sinuses. While we were in the examining room his doctor shoved a camera up his nose and when he said ""Look - you can see the stalk..."Ew. I bolted. Mine were prettier.

Thanks to my steady diet of TV and the geezer shows I watch, I know about ED and that if the general keeps saluting for four hours - its a bad thing. It sounds like it would be a good thing but they talk about it really fast at the end of the ad so you can tell its not. I've also learned that going potty frequently is not just the purview of women. Men sometimes need to leave the golf course. To pee! Imagine that!

The thing about those ads that doesn't add up is that some of the uncomfortable men they show are canoeing or fishing. In boats. On water!!! What kind of idiot wouldn't just go over the side of the boat? Of course, its a useless activity to try to find logic in TV ads, but they really should have a modicum of respect for the intellect of their audience.

I wish I didn't know that calamari is the food highest in cholesterol. Well, what I suppose I really wish is that it wasn't the food highest in cholesterol because I really like it. But it is what it is.
I wish I'd never seen a snake eat a mouse. They're probably not that high in cholesterol, because snakes live on the things, but seeing the process is gross - because even though I know mice are a scourge - they're so cute. And snakes are kind of evil looking. Cool but evil looking.

Speaking of mice - I wish I didn't know what decomposing ones smell like. They used to get into our dryer vent hose to get warm and then cook when we turned on the machine. Then they would rot and stink up our house. That smell is so distinctive and the olfactory being the most evocative sense -that when I watch CSI and they say "Smells like decomp" I know exactly what they're talking about. I wish I didn't - but I do.

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