Friday, October 2, 2009

In Honor of October...

Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and because, gosh, I haven't had enough crap in my life lately, I found a lump in my left breast the other day. I went to my doctor who sent me to the mammographer (whatever.), who sent me to get a breast ultrasound. There is no prep for this test, you just show up and take off your shirt. Easy peasy. I always put on makeup for these kind of exams. I mean if the girls are coming out, I figure I want to look good.

Much poking and prodding later, my girls were pronounced "normal". I put on my shirt and headed out to buy a sweater. You know, to show the gals off, I mean what with them being normal and all - they deserve a treat.

I have to say, though, having been stretched out on a few gurneys recently, the radiation department at Kaiser in Fremont knows how to BRING IT in the comfy department. You go in the room, its darkened. There are crisp, white sheets on the gurney. You lie down and a tech named Lily walks in and squirts warmed gel on the area in question. Its like a freakin' spa! I dozed off.

I so didn't want to leave. I checked for more lumps - no luck. Before my new best friend, Lily could call security, I put my shirt on and left. I'll find out on Tuesday if I get, I mean have, to go back for more treatments, I mean tests.

My sweet hubby took me out for Italian food tonight. He's been driving a circuitous route around Fremont lately. I asked him why he was going such a weird way and he told me it was because of my injury. You see, I'm still in the flipping my former work place off when I drive by stage of mourning my wrongful termination. My husband knows that in a totally unrelated kitten disciplining incident, I sprained the middle finger on my right hand. Flipping is painful for me right now since tendons take a long time to heal.

Anyway, in deference to my healing and grieving processes, my husband is taking the long way around. Yes, boob lumps and job strife be dammed, my hubby is a gem in the tiara in my life!

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