Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oh Sheet!

First off, let me apologize to anybody who has been trying to read this blog! I just looked over a few entries and they are typos connected by a bit of text. It seems that when I hit the space bar, the computer creatively relocates the cursor and I start typing in existing text. This explains a lot....I am a crappy speller, though...

I was thinking about housekeeping last night after I posted on this here blog. There is a woman I know - a good friend who has the cleanest house in creation. I asked her how she does it - I mean she has a mirrored tray on her dresser and there's no dust on it - and she told me. She does one big thing every day. Like laundry on Monday, bathrooms on Tuesday, grocery shopping on Wednesday, etc. Then she runs over all the visible surfaces with a dust cloth and uses a carpet sweeper on the traffic patterns every day. This woman is one of my heroes.

I tried the "one big chore a day" method of housekeeping and it lasted one day. Then I lost my list. Now I subscribe to a more organic method. My house tells me when things need to get done. Think I'm kidding? Take bedsheets for example. When they are ready to be changed,they fall off the bed. Now, to be fair, its not always the sheets' idea. The hub-unit and I share a bed with one of our two dogs and both of our cats. One of the kitties only likes to sleep there alone in the day. The other cat and the dog, however, like to sleep there all night and til about 10am. Now and then I come home from wherever I've been and find all the bedding in a large spiral in the middle if the mattress. This indicates that either there has been a pitched battle or somebody has been chasing their tail. In any case the sheets must be changed.

Laundry is easy. When I run out of undies, the laundry gets done. Folded and put away is problematic. At least its clean and dry. When the kids were little they'd play "moles" in the laundry piles. What, I should have folded all the laundry and deprived them of some sweet childhood memories? What kind of a parent do you think I was?

Grocery shopping happens when all the food has fur or I run out of gas in the Safeway parking lot ( It takes AAA forever to get there sometimes...). My hub has always had a hard and fast rule - "Never eat food with fur" and its a rule I've stuck to for my whole married life. Whether he cooks or I do - nothing has fur ...unless its been in the fridge too long and then we throw it away. Sometimes I think we should skip a step and just throw anything left over away immediately, but that seems wasteful, so we always put it in the fridge first.

Everything else gets done when it gets done. Usually when we have company. We should have company every week. Then this place would stay clean!

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