Monday, November 9, 2009

New Short Hair

I decided to get my hair cut short. Well shorter anyway. I really like Ellen Degeneres' hair in her Cover Girl ads so I decided to go for something like that. I confess that I like everything Ellen does and if I wasn't married and she wasn't married and I was a lesbian, I might have a real crush on her. As things stand, though, its just sincere admiration. But her hair is very cute. Really. And her ad is in every magazine I've looked at lately so I figured "No prob - I'll just go in show the stylist the ad and snip, snip - I'm done!"

I have been going to a very good hair cutter, but I made the mistake of announcing to the ether that I really like her work. Within days the place her husband works announced it was closing and she told me they were being transferred to L.A. I feel I must apologize to all the people at the NUMMI plant in Fremont - now where will our Toyotas come from? Sorry, guys - my bad...

Anyway, I went to my local haircutting chain and put in my name then I went to find the ad in one of the magazines they surely had there. Vogue, Alloy, Highlights and Glamor later - no ad. She called my name. "I'm looking for a picture!" I called out. "Check the style book" she called back and found it for me. Ellen was not in the style book. But there was a cut kind of like hers so I showed the stylist. "That's very short" she said disapprovingly. "I know" I said "I want it short like a boy's haircut". Boy's hair very short" She had some sort of Asian accent I couldn't place but it was heavy on skepticism.

I could have left at this point, but when I decide to get my hair cut - I have to get it done. Plus, I already had the drape on. I went back to the chair and sat down. Stylista put the picture on the counter and kept using it for reference. Razor cut, look at pic, razor cut, look again, scissor snip, look yet again. I kept an eagle eye on the proceedings. Well, I had my glasses off so my eye was somewhat less acute than an eagle's. Kind of like my dog who has cataracts.

Keeping the cataract eye in the mirror, I was surprised to see a shape I liked beginning to surround my head. Stylista had asked how I wanted the back and I nearly said "I don't know - you're the one with the license." (Where is that thing, anyway?) but I just said "Short." She kept snipping, whacking and looking and things were going pretty well, then she said "Want to see back?" "Yes" I said as she whirled the chair around and I grabbed my glasses. She handed me a mirror and I looked. I liked! Yay!

With my glasses on I even liked the front and I think she did, too. Now I'm home and I showered off all the little hairs. Its fluffy and short like Ellen's. But gray, not blond. Its cute,though. I discovered something about hairstylists today, though, I picked the one with the cute haircut - I would have been smart to pick the one who gave it to her. I got lucky and even though she didn't laugh at my jokes, (and therefore has questionable taste) she did what I wanted when she clearly thought I was an idiot. She was wrong but girlfriend can cut hair so I like her. Now if only I can keep her local and un-pregnant...Next time I'll take a picture of Ellen.

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