Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Normal as You and Me

I was reading a report about the abolition of gay marriage in Maine. What bugs the dickens out of me is that there are some people who seem to feel so smug about their "victory". I mean, these same people would storm the state capitol with pitchforks and flaming torches if their right to marry was rescinded (They would use these things because they are backwards people and they would employ backward ways.) And the weird thing is that they say they are "defending" marriage.

They are defending marriage by abolishing some of them. This makes as much sense as building a neighborhood by burning down some of the houses. I know two gay couples. They are both pairs of women. One couple is married and one couple decided not to bother. When the first couple got married, there was no earthquake, the sky didn't open up and the hub and I didn't suddenly have the urge to sever our relationship. Both couples have two kids, a pair of boys and a pair of girls. They are all fantastic parents.

They are good parents, not because they're gay. They're good parents because they spend time with their kids and teach them well. All four of these kids are smart and well adjusted. They go to school, play sports, have friends, and go to baseball games (my personal yardstick for good parenting). Golly, they're almost the same as kids of straight parents!

Both couples own homes, go grocery shopping, one of them attends church. They do yard work, attend kid's plays, go to work and host birthday parties. In a crowd, you can't pick any of them out as "the gay ones". What, then, is the difference between a gay couple and a straight couple? Well, the only difference seems to be very, very private.

Now, I have a lot of friends who are straight, married couples, too. The fact is, I don't know, care, have any desire to even think about what they do in their bedrooms. The thought of most of my friends and their hubbys naked gives me pause, and makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth. In fact, some of them might even do some of the same things that makes people go nuts about gays (heh-heh, I said nuts...) Why are these conservative weirdos who push the anti marriage laws so preoccupied with gay sexual practices?

I think they're perverse. They need to get their heads out of people's bedrooms and their own behinds and leave loving, committed people alone to live their lives as they see fit. Or we might confront them with pitchforks and flaming torches. If they can't understand love and commitment, maybe they'll understand that.

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