Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Long Ago and Far Away...

I decided to take a break from my Olympic coverage because, frankly, I'm even beginning to bore myself. Plus it was raining and I went to the mall. While on my way, I realized I didn't have my headlights on. I usually don't have to turn them on because I have a Toyota (the pre-deathtrap kind) and they have headlights that automatically turn on when its dark. So I turned them on, but then I worried I'd forget to turn them off. Yes, it was only a few miles away, but I'm 54 and things fall out of my brain faster than an out of control Toyota speeds down the highway.

My mind hearkened back to fifth grade where I had two teachers - one for math, science and art(?) and one for English, history and everything else. My English teacher was the sainted Mrs. Stevenson who was perfect. My math/science teacher was Mrs Paine who was a royal one. Oddly, though, most practical things I learned in school came out of her class. She always said if she was afraid she'd forget something, she'd rotate her ring around her finger and say the thing she wanted to remember. Then when it felt uncomfortable she would remember what she wanted to remember.

I envision my mind like a Pong game with thoughts bouncing around and ricocheting off the sides. My little mental Pong paddle captured my fifth grade memory while I was driving and I rotated my ring so I'd remember to turn off my lights. You know, its no wonder I can't remember where I parked my car - I've got things from 1965 floating around in my brain. I did remember to douse the lights, though, so the ring thing worked.

I also remembered to get dog treats, a haircut and the laundry done. That ring idea totally rocks (unintended but acceptable pun)! Mrs. Paine was a pain in my ten year old ass but she has saved me lots of time over the years. Plus, she kept my dogs spoiled and my clothes clean! Lousy teacher but I'm a lot better organized for having been in her class.

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