Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Its Christmas night and the hub and I are watching a movie. We did most of the family celebrating (read: eating ) yesterday and it was wonderful since both my kids and my surrogate grandson were here. I was in Heaven! My son brought his beautiful girlfriend who is a whiz in the kitchen. I want to start planning their wedding but they don't seem ready for that juggernaut so I'm going to satisfy that jones by butting in on my best friend's daughter's wedding which will be in June.

I also butt in on my next door neighbor's kid who is four and wonderful. He has really good taste for a four-year-old so I was a little nervous about the gift I picked out for him. Turns out a stuffed elephant that farts was the perfect gift. We took it down to our other neighbor's house to show it to her and on the way home I got to see one of those quintessential kid moments that is so charming and adorable that it makes your heart do a flip flop and your eyes fill up with tears.

We said good bye to our neighbor and my little buddy took off running back to my house. Halfway there, in the middle of his lawn, he stopped and looked up at the dark sky. "Whatcha doing?" I asked. "I'm wooking for Santa Cwause." "See anything?" "Not yet." "Well," I said, "its kind of early and you're still awake" " Yeah," he said, "its kinda earwy." Then we continued back to my house. Oof!- there goes the heart again...

Presents opened and booze imbibed, everybody repaired to their own houses to await the jolly fat man (Yes, we insisted on designated drivers.) It was so great to have both my babies home at the same time! And my surrogate grandson. He calls me his Diddy. I decided that a Diddy is a woman who is ready to be a grandma but whose kids aren't ready to have kids. No point in wasting all that good granny energy - go find yourself a pregnant lady and become friends with her.

I was lucky, my neighbors were already friends with me and the hub when she got preggers. This was good for me because I didn't have to risk the suspicion of stalking to find my pregnant lady. Also, they know I'm not a weirdo so they don't freak when I do something like give their little angel a farting elephant for Christmas.

Then you just wait for the baby to be born and let your granny flag fly! My best buddy whose daughter is getting married has a son who is about to become a daddy. More Diddy opportunity!
Neither one of my kids is burning up the sheets making me a biological grand baby (and they shouldn't - I haven't had a chance to butt in on their weddings yet),so I will grab the opportunities life presents me.

Life has been a tad unkind this past year. but I've decided to dig deep for the good stuff. Some of those things are my friend's daughter's wedding, my surrogate grandson, and - my son's girlfriend's teen aged daughter who said she'd be my pretend granddaughter. I asked and she said yes like it wasn't odd or anything. I guess you can't have too many grandparents. Or surrogate grand kids. Or Diddies.

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