Thursday, June 3, 2010


You know that story that illustrates how everything is connected to everything else? The one about a butterfly flapping its wing in Brazil eventually causing a hurricane in Texas? Its a way of showing that even tiny actions have repercussions. Like that same butterfly flapping a second time and the resulting breeze causes my skirt to blow up into my face just as the picture is snapped and I'm wearing granny panties. I hate bugs.

I like cherries, though, which is why I'm glad I have cats. See, a few years ago I got the hub a cherry tree for Father's Day. He loves peaches and apricots but he likes cherries more than all the other fruits combined and since he didn't get mine I figured the least I could do was give him the ability to grow his own.

We planted the tree at the bottom of a little slope in our backyard so we could stand at the top of the slope and pick the fruit on the top and the bottom branches. It seemed like a brilliant idea when we put it in the ground, but we hadn't counted on the fact that birds like cherries, too.

Every year we saw blossoms on the tree which would start to turn into nice little yellow orbs. As soon as they started to blush and get a teeny bit sweet, the birds would devour them and leave just a pit swinging by a stem. I like birds but this was annoying. I mean, I'm willing to share but there has to be compromise. Those birds were just pigs...

And then we got Wilson, our little striped cherry protector. We'd had a cat for awhile, but Beatrice, our tuxedo kitty, spends most of the day doing her impersonation of roadkill. Wilson, on the other hand is constantly in motion, always looking to play with whatever is at paw. He seems to have eased off on his earbud fetish although that may have something to do with us changing to white ones which match our bed sheets so he can't see them (We listen to music at night to get to sleep).

Wilson loves to play outside, and enjoys climbing trees which scares the birds away. Until Wilson decides that cherries look like tasty earbuds, we're in heaven! The cherries are starting to ripen and I ate my first one today. Almost sweet enough, perfect texture and no beak holes!

I'm so glad Wilson has caused his ripples through our house. The only problem is that if ever a butterfly happens into our backyard when Wilson is out there, the world's weather could change forever.

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