Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tiny Temporary Family

The hub and I went to the ballpark last night. Our Mighty Giants were playing the A's and since we were in Oakland when the A's spanked SF, we were looking for some payback. Since we'd watched the last two games from the nosebleed area, we alerted Tenzig (Norgay - our Sherpa friend) that we could find our own way to our seats. Because we got good seats - not great ones in the field club, but two rows back. So we didn't have waiters, but we did have a great view of the game.

When you take your seats at a baseball game, you have to get to know, to some extent, your seat mates. After all, you are going to be confined together for two and a half to three hours. You will eat together, drink together, and work toward a common goal - trying to avoid having to pee when there are runners on base...

I got to chase some guys out of our seats, which was cool, never done that before. When we got settled, three men came and sat in front of us. As soon as he sat down, the guy in front of me started talking, and talking. This guy looked and sounded like a guy who, if you wanted to cast somebody to play a midwestern minister, you'd pick him. Tall white guy with thinning white hair, kind of doughy, perfectly pressed shirt, well modulated voice and he never shut up. In his favor, he knew a lot about sports, but - damn...His name was Scott.

About a half hour into Scott's homily about Pablo Sandoval's weight problem, I whispered to the hub asking if he had a sock I could stuff in Scott's mouth. He offered his shorts. I considered it. Speaking of weight problems, there was a family of future heart attack victims accross the aisle and I wanted to smack the parents who kept feeding the kids chips.

Right behind us was a guy who I think was on a date with the woman next to him. I caught her eye as he was finishing up a story about hitting a rubber snake on some pole at spring training. We shook our heads. Dude - if you have to preface a story with "This is so funny..." - its not funny. Don't think there will be a next date. Behind him was Crazy Uncle A's Fan who brought his horn and kept talking about the A's as if he was part of the team "We're hitting real well - We had a great spring" etc. Um...the A's don't hire lard butts...well, except Jack Cust.

The game was a nail biter at the end, but they pulled it out for Zito. I was exhausted. Good game, though. Reverend Scott left early, probably to go home and tune up today's sermon. The Fat Family hung in til the end which was impressive because by the ninth inning they'd run out of food and had to actually watch the game. Date Couple ditched in about the seventh inning. The Giants scored - don't think he did...Crazy Uncle A's Fan broke his horn -awwwww. The hub ran into him in the potty line after the game and said he was a nice guy - pretty funny and just enjoying the game. Uh - what if the A's had won?

Our next game is Monday. I can't wait to see who we sit near. Of course, its Halloween in June at the park and we'll be in our Star Trek uniforms (original series) so theres a good chance nobody will sit by us. Maybe we should take a horn...

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