Monday, June 21, 2010

Wedding Week

The wedding I've been looking forward to is in the history books. The rehearsal was last Friday. It was fun and disorganized, as all wedding rehearsals are. There was lots of giggling and running around. Afterwards there was napping and then a burrito buffet and lots of wine. Which might have been the catalyst for the hub and me putting the table decorations on our heads and dancing in the bar. Well, the table decorations were straw sombreros and we didn't dance on the tables. Plus, the band contained one aging and wrinkly Doobie Brother so we felt dancing was in order. And it was my birthday which was cool. I got free ice cream at lunch.

Saturday dawned way too early and after breakfast we spent the day hanging out and annoying people. The girls were getting their hair and makeup done in the bridal suite. The boys were trying to eradicate their hangovers (the girls probably were, too but at least they smelled good). About noon, the hub and I wandered down the street to Pizza My Heart for a slice. Halfway through, his phone rang. It was the daughter unit and Maid of Honor who was having a shoe emergency; as in the ones she had didn't look right with the dress. Or her hair, which caused me to bust out into a chorus of "Don't Cry For Me Argentina" when I first saw it. Not my best move and one of the reasons I offered to run out and get her another pair of shoes.

The problem was, I knew what she needed and I was certain we could find them at Payless. But there are no Paylesses in Los Gatos. Google maps located one in San Jose and we zipped over there got the shoes and tried to zip back before the bridal party left the hotel. We would have made it, too, but the hub, who never gets lost anywhere, got lost. On the plus side, we drove through Saratoga which is pretty.

We got back to the hotel about 5 minutes after the limo left. The ceremony didn't start til four o'clock and it was only 1:45 so we knew we'd get the shoes to the daughter in time but we had to catch our shuttle to the wedding site at 2:15. We raced to our room and threw on our clothes. Then I decided I looked fat in my dress so I put on one of the other ones I'd brought(in case I looked fat) tossed some makeup at my face and ran to catch the shuttle. We made it.

The shoes fit, and I realized why the dress I chose to wear wasn't my first choice...I kept having to hoist up the front because my bra kept showing. So I ditched the bra. I still had to hoist it up to keep the girls in line, but at least nobody saw my bra which was, to put it mildly, really ugly. Plus, I had a shawl that could hide a multitude of sins (including, I just realized, my bra) so I was all set.

The wedding ceremony was gorgeous, touching, spiritual and fun. The bride was not beautiful - she was exqisite! The groom was handsome and adorably dorky. We laughed, we cried. There were flowers, trees, birds tweeting, sunbeams, joy, prayers. It was a great wedding. The reception was fun, if a little cold. Great food, good wine, awesome beer (the hub made it). Then we repaired to a large barn for dancing, coffee, more wine and cake. It was so much fun everybody wanted it to last all night, but, alas, we had to catch the 10 pm shuttle.

The next morning, my friend and her hubby put on a wedding brunch with great food and (surprise!) champagne. This was how a wedding should be - three days of parties, wine, family and so much fun! We sent off the new couple with lots of hugs and kisses. They are a great pair and I'm so happy for them. The only problem is that this wedding has been in the planning stages for more than a year. And now its over. Done. Now what?

I think I'll get a puppy.

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