Friday, April 23, 2010

They're On My Head....Again

This morning I spent about 10 minutes trying to find my glasses which were parked on top of my head. See, I hate bifocals because I don't need reading glasses, but I do need them for distance so half the time the glasses are on my head. And I look for them. Which has caused me to run through a list of truisms that I find handy:

1. Any amount of time spent looking for your glasses when you're wearing them is too much. If your glasses are missing you can save a lot of time by taking just a second to think about where they might be, logically. Can't find your glasses? Where were they last time you lost them? Your head? Your face? You were sitting on them? Look there first. You know as oldsters we develop patterns of behavior and you can save a ton of time and frustration if you just accept that you do weird things sometimes.

2. Life is like a roll of toilet paper - the closer you get to the end, the faster it spins. How many people have lamented that time flies by so fast? Fact is, time does fly, and it flies whether you're having fun or not.

3. Sometimes people you trust will crap all over you. And you'll never see it coming.

4. "Because it fits" is a bad reason to buy clothes. If that's one of your criteria for wardrobe choices, re-think your diet.

5.Confidence has nothing to do with intellect. Look at my house. The dogs seem like drooling idiots and the cats look suave and cool. And yet, only the cats have fallen into the toilet...

I'm sure everybody has aphorisms that they've learned through life. If you have a great one - pass it along!

Oh yeah, the other day the hub and I stopped for coffee at 7-11. The coffee's good there and its waaay cheaper than Bigbucks. Anyway, as I got out of the car I heard a man's voice say "Excuse me" I turned and I must have looked terrified because he started stepping back as he said "I just need some money for a piece of chicken" (We were standing next to a KFC which smelled amazing)

We gave him some dollars and some change and when we came out he was eating. He saluted us with the chicken and we felt like a million bucks! There's that saying "From whom much has been given, much will be expected". Well, I may be unemployed but we have a house, food, and health insurance so we have a lot. Way more than a guy who has to ask for chicken money. And plenty to share.

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