Thursday, April 29, 2010

Musings on Motherhood

I was thinking about my kids the other day. Actually, I think about them every day but most of my thoughts are kind of gooey. This time, though, I was thinking in the context of Mother's Day. People call Mother's Day a Hallmark (read: fake) holiday, but I don't think it is. As a mother myself I'm not sure that one day of honor a year is enough. They have a lot of stretch marks to atone for...Just kidding (kind of).

Mother's Day originated in either ancient Greece, 15th century England, or 1914 America depending on how invested you are in reading all about it (not very). I choose to believe it was invented here in its present form, but that its roots go back in history. Yes, I'm riding the fence and no I'm not proud.

When my son was two he got me deodorant for my special day. I cherished that gift and the little boy logic that precipitated it. After all, I used it every day and it smelled pretty. I also love the Fashion Star Filly my daughter gave me when she was four. Not quite as logical as my son, but it was pink, had lots of hair and she could play with it.

When I was a kid we used to go to the dime store and get a Hummel figurine for my grandma. She loved those things. The weird part is that when we were in college, she lined them all up and had us point out our favorites. Then she took a Dymo labeler and put our initials on the ones we picked. Felt a tad ghoulish. On the plus side, they look terrific on my hutch...

My mom liked Royal Daulton Toby jugs and when we lived overseas, that's what she got every year. They were not expensive and there were lots to choose from. After my mom died, my brother, sister, and I took a page from Grandma's book. We lined up all the Toby jugs and took turns picking the ones we wanted. They'll look cool next to the Hummels when I finally get them out of their boxes. Its only been two and a half years.

I don't collect anything really so deodorant and plastic horses are right up my alley. And Giants tickets. But I've told them they are not to get me gifts this year since nobody has any money. Someday, though, they will have cash and I will release them to spoil the heck out of me. Its the least I can do.

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