Monday, April 5, 2010

5 Days Old

On my next birthday, I will be 55 years old. That comes to 20,075 days. Yesterday I got to hold a baby who is 5 days old. I forgot how itty bitty, teeny tiny people are when they're only 5 days old. This is the daughter of my friend's son. The one who was gigantic at birth. His fiancee had the good sense to limit the size of her child to 7 pounds 6 ounces. My friend and I, who had our babies together, weren't that smart. We had massive kids.

The thing is, though, that most people who haven't had babies (men) think that the most painful part of the process is the part where the kid comes out the hoo ha. They are wrong. In my experience, (I had my first kid all natural) the really hurty part is when the baby is being shoved out of the uterus and down the birth canal. The hoo ha part is kind of a relief.

The other thing that I remembered about birthin' babies is that sometimes there's doody involved. You push with the same muscles to shove out an infant as you do to doo doo so sometimes both things happen. Gross, but it happens. Um, not to me - but to some people. I've read.

I was nearby when this little love nugget was born. Not in the room, just the grandmas got to be there, but there were a bunch of us in the waiting room and we listened on speakerphone and cheered when our little niece, granddaughter, great granddaughter, surrogate granddaughter was born. We also heard my buddy sobbing but she cries a lot so nobody was surprised.

The other cool thing was that they took pictures of the baby right away and sent them to the waiting room.As much as I bitch about technology, it has its uses and one good one is letting people in on events they'd otherwise be left out of.We all got to meet the little newbie before we went out for dinner. She was beautiful at birth and 5 days into life she is even more so.

I fully expect her to keep getting more and more gorgeous.She has the makings of a real beauty. Plus her mom and dad are good looking people. I met her parents as kids and now they have a kid. Five days old. Well 6 days now...they grow so fast!

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