Saturday, April 10, 2010

Take Me Out

Yesterday was Opening Day at the Giant's stadium. Not for the season, but for the ballpark. We went to see some baseball and recover from the glut of basketball we've been subjected to of late. We went to eat a hot dog, drink a beer, and check out the new Giants. Plus, some jets always do a flyover on Opening Day, and there's the biggest American flag in captivity. Yes, the Giants know how to celebrate. But, really, what do you expect - it is San Francisco.

The newbies that have been getting the most press have been Huff and DeRosa. We saw them both play and I have some thoughts: Aubrey Huff. Sissy name. Nice butt. First base. Didn't hit yesterday. Mark DeRosa. Manly name. Nice Butt. Left field. Good arm. Also didn't hit yesterday. Ahem...these two guys were hired for their bats - they better get them fired up...They do look good in their Giant's uniforms.

We got to see the entire bullpen which is not necessarily a good thing. The fun one to watch is Brian Wilson who is a really good closer with a nice butt. He also wears really tight baseball pants so you can view said heinie. Plus he's a dangerous pitcher and he looks like he'd win a bar fight. I like him.

The home plate umpire had a variable strike zone which is really bad because you never know when to boo. You always have to be ready to boo the umpire, but the weird strike zone can lead to over-booing. This makes my throat hurt. The Giants weren't playing very well until halfway through the ninth inning when they woke up and decided to show us something. Long story short, they won. It was really a fun game.

Only thing is, when I go to a Giant's game, I like my Giants to win and I like the game to end after nine innings. I have nine innings in me, after that I get twitchy. This game went 13 innings! By the top of the 10th I don't want to sit in my seat and I start wanting to eat stuff. Fortunately, our friends had a four year old with them so I shared his cotton candy. Then we stuck out our tongues at each other until his parents told him to stop. So I went to the bathroom.

After we got home, I had trouble going to sleep. All the excitement. You know. Plus the sugar high. But I got to eat a hot dog, drink a beer and watch the Giants win. I think I've successfully purged basketball.

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