Thursday, April 22, 2010

Moments Of Grossness

I haven't written on my blog in a while but nothing has been bothering/delighting/befuddling me lately so I've been laying low. Then today I was totally grossed out. Now, being grossed out is not unusual around our house since we share the place with two dogs, two cats, a bird and a tortoise. In fact, if something disgusting didn't have to be mopped up around here on a daily basis, it wouldn't seem like home.

There was cat barf in the kitchen today but that wasn't the gross thing. No, the gross thing happened at the grocery store. We put one of those net bags filled with little tangerine-like citrus fruits called clementines in our cart and proceeded through the store. Since we were there just to buy almonds and bananas, we only got about 20 things and headed to the checkout stand.

Upon unloading the cart, I noticed that one of our clementines looked a little iffy so I went to get a replacement bag. The first bag I grabbed was wet on the bottom. Upon inspection, I discovered that my finger was embedded in a rotten tangerine and the pulp was sqishing almost up to the knuckle. Ew squared.

I suppose decomposing citrus fruit is relatively low on the yuck scale. I mean, I was reading last week that the avarage computer keyboard harbors more germs than a toilet seat. Now that I think about it, it was right after I read that that I took my recent blog break. Hmmmmm, maybe I was in shock...after all, I spend much of my life poking away at this thing. It would probably be cleaner to play tiddlywinks on the potty seat.

Somehow, grossness is less gross in your own home. Its like when we got our new refrigerator. Messes in that one seem less disgusting than in our old fridge. Even the messes in the vegetable drawers, which, believe me, have seen their share of science experiments. Including, but not limited to, squishy clementines.

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