Friday, April 2, 2010

They're Baaack!

Good news today! The job market seems to be turning around (not for me)...I heard that 160,000 more people are employed this month than last month (not me). This is such good news especially for people like my children (but not me)who were chewed up by the last presidential administration's "support" for public education and vomited into this non-existant job market.

That means that young people(not me - I'm old) will, within the next few years, probably be able to establish careers in fields which interest them and which can support them and their families should they choose to establish them. Whew!This has been a large concern for me since I (got fired) realized that giving birth to a child in the 80's, while certainly joyous, had doomed them to try to find meaningful employment in the aughts and teens.

I raised terribly brilliant children, though (not me - I got canned), so I'm sure they will succeed in some field or another. Not stripping, please...Although they are beautiful,too.Hmmmm. I was just thrilled to hear this job news today so my mind started flying around. As it does when I get news (when I got fired it froze)

Even though lots of people are still out of work(like me!), Careers are beginning (had one!), people are earning pay checks(nope!)and life goes on(well,yeah)and the economy continues to be stimulated (uh, ok I still shop but not as much...)

As an unemployed American who was chewed up by stupid people and vomited into my recliner, I am happy for my kids and their friends and while I don't exactly pity myself, I do have daydreams about leaving flaming bags of poop on certain doorsteps. And I fantasize about pooping in the bags myself!

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