Monday, January 18, 2010

War Movie

There's nothing to watch on TV tonight so the hub and I are watching a movie. Because, basically, we can't get through an evening without staring at a glowing screen. We're watching "The Hurt Locker" which is supposed to be the closest thing to being in the war in Iraq without getting a sunburn. Now, you might think that my hub chose this movie, since its a war movie and all, but you'd be wrong - I chose it.

I read that it was one of Michelle Obama's favorite movies of last year. This makes me think that one of two things is true. Either Michelle has different taste in movies than I expected, or People Magazine was less than factual. I might have to rethink my slavish devotion to that publication. But then what will I read in the bathroom?

Anyway, about a third of the way into the movie, my hubster is actually leaning forward in his chair, eyes fixed on the TV screen and I'm blogging. Its about par for a war movie. Sometimes I do crossword puzzles. One of my very favorite movies is "Sense and Sensibility" with Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson. The hub has never seen the whole thing - he stops watching when they start crying. When they cry for the second time, he just leaves the room.

He hates crying movies. And mushy ones. Just when I start leaning forward in my chair, he'll start talking. Which is really pretty funny because of the two of us he's the most mushy. Over the years we've come to an agreement...if he exceeds my mush tolerance, I'll give him a dope slap up the back of the head. Painless but it gets the point across.

There is nothing remotely mushy about this movie and judging by the hub's absorption level, it must be good. Maybe Michelle really did like it. Hard to believe, though, they just showed a dead kid - close up. I hate movies with hurt kids or animals. This one also had a limping cat. I'm going to have to rethink where I get my movie recommendations.

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