Friday, January 8, 2010

Forgiveness is Fine

About five years ago, when I was getting used to a new position at the stupid place I used to work, the pastor of my former church gave me a heads up about forgiveness. She told me that you need to forgive people who wrong you, but that you don't have to keep them in your life. I remembered that the other day when my college best friend told me she'd been fired from her job as a result of a stroke she had suffered during surgery. We have so much in common! I told my buddy I was sorry and asked what she was going to do.

"Forgive them" she said. Why didn't I think of that? She's a way tougher chick than I am. I want to get to the forgiving part but I'm not there yet. I think that there are some things you can brush off easily and some things that just stick in your craw and fester like leftover spaghetti sauce in a plastic container in my fridge.

When the hub unit and I had just gotten married and he developed an allergy to telephones. I never minded if he went somewhere without me as long as I knew when he would get home. He had a hard time with that concept but eventually figured it out and it was easily forgivable.

I can forgive slights from my kids. I mean, when you become a parent, you have to lose your ego or you will go crazy. A smart parent with a strong sense of self preservation will remember that when your kids snark at you its because they feel sooo sure of your love that they can treat you like garbage and you will always be there. The little cretins.

There are some things I will never forgive. Well a few things. I will never forgive John McCain for unleashing Sarah Palin onto the world. If he'd just left well enough alone she'd be up there in Alaska, looking at Russia and taking care of her kids. She'd probably still be governor and her smarmy, smug, lying sack of crap face wouldn't show up on my TV and right next to the check stand in the grocery store. And Michael Vick. He's a butthead.

Someday, I hope I'll be able to forgive my stupid place of former employment. Most of the people there are nice, but some of them are just plain poops. I can forgive poopage and I actually think that the ice is starting to crack a little. Writing this blog is helping a lot. Maybe eventually forgiveness will come. Although forgiveness is a really odd word...

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