Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'm Baaaack!

So I haven't posted anything for a while and there are two very good reasons for this. The first reason is this ridiculously snotty cold that has been dogging me for the last few weeks. I read somewhere that in Victorian times, when people were stupid, OK - not stupid so much - but they didn't know a lot of stuff, they thought that when your nose runs you were losing brain fluid.

I always thought that was a bunch of hooey. They were not idiots, how could they think that something so common would be dangerous? I'm beginning to think the Victorians were right. I've been blowing gallons of snot out of my honker the last few weeks and every time I toss a kleenex, it has a couple of IQ points in it. I know this because I've become stupid.

Also, there is zero energy in me. I've been sleeping til 10 in the morning. Sometimes its great to be unemployed. Yesterday I slept til 1pm. Yehaaaaa! I'd worry that I was depressed, but it would take a freakin' powerful mood swing to punch through the 40 mg of Paxil that courses through my veins on a daily basis. Maybe I just like to sleep. Plus, I have two cats and a dog pinning me to the matress so I really have to commit to getting up. I've gotta want it, oh yeah!

The second reason I haven't blogged lately is that when we went out a few weeks ago with the hub's childhood best friend, he said " I read your blog; I really like your stuff "Stuff? I have stuff? That's like a baseball pitcher, like Timmy, he has stuff (I'm not talking about junk, get your mind out of the potty). Its so cool to have stuff. Then, at a retirement party last weekend, several people told me they like my blog (hee hee, my "stuff"). One person even called me "prolific".

Basking in this prolific stuff glow, I came home and settled down to write, Usually, words fall out of me like crap from a flock of seagulls. I can't stop them and don't really want to. However, after all that stroking and blog love no vocabulary issued from my brain. Granted, my gray matter was half snot at the time, but nothing came out of me. Except IQ points full of boogers.

Things seem to be solidifying, now, though. The tide of my slipping intellect seems to have been stemmed and the glow of praise has dimmed a little. I'm back in front of my computer oozing more words, less phlegm and getting back to normal...

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