Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I Have a Dell P.O.C.

So my computer is misbehaving again. It has taken to deciding which letters it wants to print and which ones it won't. Piece of crap. The irony is that I'm writing something which, when posted, will be able to be read all over the world ( I'm not saying it will be, but it could). And I'm dissing this machine that makes it possible. That's kind of like yelling "Hurry up!" to a microwave.

Or like getting a snow blower after using a snow shovel for years and getting all mad because it left chunks of snow behind. But really, all I'm expecting this damn thing to do is what it was designed to do. Like I expect my car to go and my dogs to bark. I guess the more complicated the machine, the madder we get when it doesn't work.

Or maybe it has to do with cost. Computers are pretty expensive to suddenly turn into large paperweights. And they are too complicated to fix at home. Plus, if you lose your computer access, most people lose a lot of their social contact, which is nerdy and sad but the way the modern world works.

I am not a typist. People who are typists can pound away on a keyboard for hours without looking at their fingers. I enjoy watching a good typist at work. I am awestruck by that skill, its like watching a concert pianist. My best speed is about 10 words a minute. Not exactly light speed...

My husband's secretary at his last office was an amazing typist. She could type 5,000 words a minute with no mistakes. I frequently expected her keyboard to burst into flames when she really got going. Ironically, her hobby was calligraphy and her name was Betty. Her name isn't ironic, but its a great name - especially for a secretary.

So I'm plugging away on my stupid Piece of Crap. I have to keep checking and rechecking to make sure all my p's and q's are present and accounted for. I have no problem with proofreading my writing, I just hate it when "proofing" becomes "poofing" or, worse. "pooing" when I didn't want it to. Piece of crap.

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