Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It Begins!

In the Internet era, when we reach life's milestones, we frequently go online and check ot blogs to see how other people like us are dealing with similar experiences.

I was a new mom right before the Internet blossomed so I dealt with the transition from non-parent to parent in the time tested way of women throughout time. I called my mom for breastfeeding advice, ("How do you know he's getting enough?). Then I went to a friend who was in the pre-eminent breastfeeding organization ("You can't give him a bottle - he'll stop taking the breast!"). So I ignored them, read as much as I could and finally went with my gut.

That is how I spent the rest of my young parenthood and I have to say, I think I raised two pretty good kids, even though in their adulthood they would both rather hang out in a cave with terrorists in danger of being bombed than in my living room with me. That's ok - my gut tells me that they will get back into their parents as they get older, more settled, and need advice ("I really you should breastfeed") or ("What do you mean you've decided not to have kids - who am I going to give breastfeeding advice, to?).

I have discovered a lot of mommy blogs out there in the ether, but I have yet to come across one that reflects my life experience. For the record, in addition to being a baby booming empty nester, I have recently been laid off a long time job from which I had hoped to retire, I ams a stroke survivor and I recently decided that since both my kids are college graduates, it was time to take off the baby weight and I lost 50 pounds.

Since all of my time is basically spare these days, I've decided to try my hand at a blog for empty nesting, baby booming, stroke surviving, laid off, pet owning, baseball loving, weight fighting people just like myself. I've had so much life experience that there's got to be something here for everybody. Also, since all my time is spare, I have time to think about lots of stuff which I do every day - now I'll write about it. I hope you'll read it. My gut tells me you will,

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